Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I'm on a one week break in between the old job and the brand spanking new one. Finally brushed off the ol' cobwebs and said good riddance to bad stuff.

Everyone keeps asking (or expecting) if I'm happy or excited or all gung-ho and such, but nah, I'm just sorta, erm, bracing? Reserving judgement for later? Being all world weary and cynical? Whatever it is I'm certainly not jumping up and down with joy. As the more experienced would agree, it's just a matter of finding another job that will pay you even more than your last one to undergo the same inevitable stress. I do think it's a sound move though, so onwards ho!

I'm glad too that my hun is moving on (way!) up as well. Funny we seemed to have unwittingly timed it to coincide, both of us on our third jobs.

I've only got one more day till the weekend, and my to do list is only halfway thru. 'To-do' lists,by the way, are a definite holiday mood killer. Unfortunately the way I'm wired, if I didn't have one to cross items off, it'd feel like a complete waste of holiday time. I swear sometimes it's like there are multiple short circuits in this brain and the rest are made up of live wires waiting to zap me senseless.

Heh, looks like business as usual I guess :p

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