Saturday, March 11, 2006


I’ve been thinking a lot about time these days.

About how futile it is to wish you could fast forward time, because eventually the time you were waiting for will come round and when it does, it has the gall to go ahead and pass you by!

It is just as similarly futile to try and hold back time, to try and make it slow down in order to keep the unpleasant at bay because whatever it is you dread will be over soon enough regardless of what you do.

The one constant about time? It passes. There’s absolutely no point trying to exercise control over it.

I know this isn’t any big revelation, everyone knows this implicitly, but if that is so, why then do we struggle so much against the passage of time? Wouldn’t it save us a whole lot of trouble to just learn to accept things as and when they come?

But you know the funny thing about ‘knowing’ things is that it has no relation whatsoever to what we actually do about it.

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