Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Things that make you go "Hmm"

It’s mid-afternoon, approximately another hour plus to go.

I should be busy, but I’m not. Not because I’m slacking off but because I’ve done all I can and now have to wait for others so I can continue. I would offer to help them but in this case, staying out of the way would be best. It seems that no matter how much you plan ahead and set deadlines, everything only comes together at the last minute. This is especially true when you need to depend on input from others. Just one tiny delay and the postponement snowballs and escalates up. Sigh. And so I wait.

I just hope it won’t be too much of a rush tomorrow with me having to leave early to catch the flight and all. Oh hell, who am I kidding?


It’s September. Very soon it’ll be the last quarter of the year. (Yes, I AM stating the obvious). I was trying to recall the events of the past 9 months searching for memorable incidents and came up blank. It has something to do with my terrible sieve-like memory and a theory I came up with that perhaps so much has happened in the eventful 9 months that it’s difficult to single out any one memory. It’s neither good nor bad I guess, this inability to dredge up life’s peaks and valleys, it just is.

And so I start to think of the remaining few months and wonder what I’d like to achieve before the year ends. It’s not that the year-end is a do-or-die deadline but it is useful as a checkpoint to stop and take stock. Unfortunately I’ve also come up blank in this respect. Oh dear.

But it also seems that something like this (the lack of plans), which would ordinarily distress me, only raises the mildest ripple of concern now. It’s all very matter-of-fact, just a little something that makes me stroke my imaginary beard and go ‘Hmm’.

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