Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A place to call home

So we’ve finally moved in after weeks of tiring painting, cleaning, furnishing (we put together our own furniture!) and packing. Our place still has quite a way to go before we can sit down, relax and enjoy it, but for now it’s functioning amply.

As I told him, I’m still waiting to feel happy at the culmination of what I had wished for, for the longest time. It hasn’t arrived yet and maybe it’s due to the stress of planning for a life together. It’s far from easy and strips the idealistic romance out of the proceedings when endless important decisions need to be made with a consensus between two individualistic people. Compromise for us is a full time occupation.

And so I wait, a little impatiently, to crack open a bottle of wine, snuggle with my love and just let everything drift away. That, to me, would be coming home.


Sheena said...

When people say 'Home is where the heart is', I wonder sometimes if it refers to WHERE the heart is, or WITH WHOM the heart is.

Loving the bit about the bottle of wine & chilling-out.

NQ said...

I think it is wherever the heart feels at peace, be it a physical location or embodied in a person, or best of all when its residence is made up of both.