Thursday, December 22, 2005

The one where I suck at wishing others

This year, it’s taken quite a bit of effort to muster up the spirit to say the “Merry” before the “Christmas”.
(Insert a contemplative “Hm” here)

Maybe things will change when I go home to the Christmas tree and the mountainous presents under it, the turkey and its trimmings, and the alcohol infused fruitcake with the accompanying wine. But for now it’s a matter of going through the motions with the heart and mind somewhere else (and no, I don’t know where they've gone, they do tend to wander off on their own accord).

I know this absence of feeling is real because I’m not even looking forward to presents, which in my opinion is the best part of Christmas no matter how much the presents have consistently sucked year after year. This year I really think I couldn’t care less.

However, I do want everyone else to be happy and merry and whatnot even if I’m feeling less than joyous. So folks, here I am making a superhuman effort to be cheerful while I wish you a very…..

Merry Christmas!

(….and may your presents not suck like mine. But for the record, they will. You know that right?)

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