Tuesday, April 04, 2006

“Make no sudden movements, and no one will get hurt”

I long for escape. The blessed ability to let go. Release from having to be someone I no longer recognize. The silencing of the disquieting voices. Relief from sudden, unexplainable anger. The end to all this melodrama. Blissful blankness.

I am so tired.

From the push and pull. From the up and down. The brief peaks, the debilitating lows.
(Rinse and Repeat: the only thing that’s constant)

Can you be divided and yet expect not to rip yourself apart?

How far must you run from yourself before you realize you haven’t budged an inch?

I did this.

(and I think I’m losing it)


mae said...


Anonymous said...

hey tough times lately huh?

chin up, things DO get better in the end.

NQ said...

I sit here wondering how to respond. I guess it'll be best to say nothing but 'thank you'.