Monday, June 27, 2005

Moving Out, Moving In, Moving On

I’ve moved soo many times in the past 2 years that my friends have refused to take down my latest address cos they say I’ll just move again before the ink is even dry. Hrumphh!

This nomadic existence is the penalty I pay for renting which, given the circumstances, is a necessary evil.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. Sure it’s a drag, but this constant moving around ensures I don’t start sprouting mould and prevents me from being on a 1st name basis with the spiders that spin cobwebs around me. Yup!, complacent old me.
My sis is already making dire predictions of how she’ll need to prise my cold fingers from the TV remote, drag me kicking and screaming outside to air me out once in a while. (Me? a TV addict? Who said? Where got?!!)

Jokes aside, once I get through the pain (literally) of moving, I’m always gripped by a sense of excitement & endless possibility. I suppose I fancy myself quite the mini interior designer, albeit with a damnably miniscule budget. Still there’s always lotsa room for improvisation, creativity and make-do.

But aside from the obvious changes that can be made to the surroundings, personally moving also feels like a new beginning for me. I imagine I’m embarking on an adventure, and the world opening up to strange new frontiers. I suppose you could say it symbolizes hope. And who doesn’t need to be reminded of that every once in a while?

PS: And all this from moving house? Oy!


Anonymous said...

Before I got to my current place 3 years ago, I'd moved 9 times in 7 years. I'm the type of person who hates change, so I hate moving -- plus I have lots of stuff, which makes moving a nightmare. I don't want to ever move again if I can help it!

NQ said...

hi irene,

wah! i salute u girl, respect, respect. Maybe the transitionary nature of my accomadations has made me subconsiously refrain from collecting stuff. Some things even remain in boxes cos at the back of my mind i'm thinking "who knows when i'll need to move again?" Maybe when we're all a little richer, we'll get a place of our own eh? But rite now all i can manage is to settle my bills by the end of the month. :-((


Anonymous said...

Yup, I dream of getting a place of my own :) But at the moment rented accommodation will have to do...

NQ said...

hi joshua!!

haha! I'm soo jealous of ur uber-cool blog name. And yeah, i know i called u a kid (sorry lah babe!), but don't be in a rush to grow up yah? and TQ for dropping by ;-))



I've got the same problem: "boh lui ah!" (hope u understand hokkien)

Dalynne said...

Kinda of like moving..dunno why but somehow it gives me the sense of a new hope, a brand new beginning and at least, it refrain me from being too complacent. Arghh.. with the 'so-called-collections' at my current place, guess I'll ought to move again.

NQ said...


Selamat Datang! we both same-same lar hor?;-))