Friday, July 22, 2005

Perverted Perceptions

Have you ever laughed so hard you thought you might crash the car? Well I have and we completely disintegrated into laughing fits for a few harrowing moments in the middle of the road. The argument (well…laughing argument) was how many women the main protagonist in the film we’d just watched had slept with during the course of the show. It was quite a hopeless debate because all the women looked exactly the same and forget about trying to differentiate them via names because well, Korean names all sound the same to ignorant Malaysians like us two.

But I digress.

I’ve been going to these weekly foreign film screenings and have been enjoying them so far. However the host brought up a disturbing incident with relation to the film screened the week before which was a sensitive portrayal on the issue of abortion. Apparently a viewer had admonished the host for screening a film which he thought was “pornographic”.


I had to scoop my jaw up from off the floor upon hearing this. I can’t even begin to describe how far gone the mind of this fler must be in order to come up with that conclusion. The only way someone with half a brain could have the gall to make such a statement is if they stuffed there ears, put their fist over their eyes throughout the entire film and imagined the whole thing. It’s…*let’s out an exasperated strangled sound*.. you know what? Such an asinine comment does not deserve a rebuttal.

But the thing is, and this is the state of Malaysia today, even such baseless “criticisms” as these have the power to hurt and possibly end an entirely blameless enterprise should some self-righteous vigilantes decide to pick it up and make it their cause.

As such I worry for the future of these screenings. It would be a pity if we had to bow to the demands of a few chest-beating, close minded individuals who would have us adhere to their perverted sense of morality.

Oh yeah and my friend and I? In the end we agreed on 5…wait, or was that 4?


Unknown said...

well written and structured. keep blogging girl!

NQ said...

eh, sorry, didn't realise ppl have been commenting on my past posts. But thanks a lot for visiting, and now I must go soak my head sebab dah kembang...;-)