Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Goin' down south

La, la, la, Singapore here I come, again!


It’s my annual trip down south, and this time, finally, I’ll be in town at just the right time to see the Christmas decorations. Whoopee!

People have asked what it is I find so fascinating about Spore (people ask the same thing about Bangkok, but that’s a love story for another time). Well for one thing it isn’t Singaporeans, they do tend to be a necessary nuisance (but I’m generalizing, so don’t get all hot under the collar and start hurling abuse ok?). So here’s a list of things I do love about Singapore:

In case you were wondering, it’s in uppercase for a reason.

2. Cleanliness
Something every Malaysian would agree with, seeing as what we have to put up with.

3. Courtesy on the road
Cars actually stop for you to cross!! What a strange phenomenon! Anyway I’ve been told that the disbelieving look on this Malaysian’s face the first time this happened to her was priceless. I had to be dragged across by a very embarrassed friend and still managed to throw suspicious stares over my shoulder at the poor driver. He, he!

4. Efficient public transportation
You can take public transport anywhere, at any hour of the day (well until very late anyway) and still feel safe because so many other people are doing the same thing.

Now if only I had more money to splurge, sigh…

The agenda for this trip? I thought I’d slip in a touristy thing or two and actually go to Sentosa for the first time. Roller-blading! (I am so going to spend the better part of my time on my ass) Luge! Err….anymore suggestions? Places to shop, things to do, food to eat?

Oh, and there is one more reason that I go to Singapore: a certain childhood friend that I never see enough of. Come to think of it, make that the primary reason. ;)


Dalynne said...

childhood friend indeed. Very nice of you to comment so much about our wonderful Singapore. But you forgot about the weather here! Can get pretty nasty at times or should I say unpredictable!

See you shortly!

NQ said...

I'm never there long enough to observe the weather and besides, how different can it be from here huh?

Ditto on the seeing ya part ;)

P.S. I wasn't being nice, that really is what I think, heh.

mae said...

Tangs for christmas decor.. ver palace feel. understated but gorgeous

roller blading in east coast?? dun go on sunday

check out bugis village; they hv loads of shops now but probably not too different from malaysia.. in that case, just look out for the sale sign in shopping centers

food.. i think malaysia is better .. haha

know what? i'm goin up to KL next weekend.

NQ said...

Well, I know for sure the hawker food here is better, I meant the other stuff we can't get here.

Thanks, I'll manage to cover as many shopping malls as possible somehow ;)

Eh, it's like we're swapping or something. Are u coming down for a holiday as well?