Monday, August 08, 2005

Of Libraries and Such

Visited the National Public Library yesterday, and it sucks big time. How many levels does it have? 4? 5? Plus 2 wings. Shouldn’t that translate to a well-stocked library with a wide selection of books? Most definitely not.

Potong steam aje.

Not that I did a minute inspection of its shelves contents. This post is admittedly at best a sweeping statement. But I did walk its entire floor space, row by row. Paid close attention to the dismal Literature section and searched for a non-existent Fiction section.

Disappointment would be an understatement for how I feel.
The books pun berterabur di sana-sini.

This is in comparison to a library I know intimately. Boy, do I miss my university library. Used to spend hours poring over everything from forensic science (gruesome pictures – riveting stuff) to food photography (Asian food is hard to photograph due to it’s “messiness”) to literature (kononnya nak cultivate some culture-lah – an obviously unsuccessful endeavour). That’s where I first read Tolkein and indulged my penchant for all things Wodehouseian while wondering what on earth that Plath woman was going on about.

*huge blubbering sigh*

While I wouldn’t make a repeat visit to the National Library, I didn’t come away empty handed either.

Hear! Hear! I learnt that: German Shepherds must be given work to do even if it is merely entering obedience contests, because to subject this highly intelligent dog to a lifetime of domesticated boredom is both unwise and cruel. End of lesson.

My, my, the things we learn from books!

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