Saturday, January 14, 2006


(I’m not sure what to write.)

The big news is too big to jinx by premature disclosure. I’m not superstitious, but ‘surer’ things have gone wrong before and so I’m more than a little paranoid. It’ll have to wait, but very soon all should be confirmed. Fingers crossed, touch wood and the like.

(So then, what now?)

I know! Resolutions!

I haven’t given it as much thought as I did last year. Fact is, the New Year still hasn’t sunk in. I spent so much time reminiscing that I’m reluctant to start (or promise to start) anything new. But for the sake of something, anything to write, here goes (in no particular order):

1. Indulge in (at least) one extreme activity
i.e sky-diving, flying (lessons. No, I have no aspirations to sprout wings or be Superman), bungee-jumping, whitewater rafting etc.

2. Join a dance class and/or pick up a musical instrument.
(This has been on my list every year, but no results so far, maybe this will be THE year ;)

3. Room (for) improvement.
It is a barren testament to my non-committal attitude to any one interior decorating style. If I must call it something, it’d be: Accidental Minimalism. This too I envision will be rather tough, seeing how I spend less and less time here these days.

4. Get published.
(Sigh, pipe dreams I know. I guess this is here to remind me that irrespective of when it actually happens, this year or the next century, it is something I want for myself and to keep trying.)

5. Cultivate a more professional image.
Seriously, don’t fall off your seats laughing. This is me aspiring to be that sharp suit walking down the business district that gets admiring glances.

6. Travel.
My world map will soon be entirely covered by cobwebs if I don’t dust it off soon and chart my next course. Somewhere, anywhere, it doesn’t matter as long as it is someplace new and foreign.

7. Blog regularly.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ....*chokes and wonders if it is a scientific possibility to die of laughter*

End on that ridiculous note, will I.


mae said...

hmm.. i guess it's cos u blog for people to read.

I treat mine as a diary. So i'll definitely write. ;p

re your previous comment: i always make people laugh. i just have to show my face and they WILL laugh.. bleargh

NQ said...

Funny Face,

Nail on the head, this was never intended to be a diary so I'll just have to try harder...(now I feel another laugh coming on ;)