Saturday, May 13, 2006

It really is just a stupid movie

I need to work out why I’m so angry. It’s just a stupid movie. But there’s a reason. I know there is.

……think, think.

It’s about responsibility. About doing the right thing no matter what. It doesn’t matter if you don’t really love her. If you’re still with her, then you stand by her: NO. MATTER. WHAT. Especially those times when she’s not at her most charming best. When she makes a faux pas. When she makes a mistake and embarrasses herself and you in the process. That’s when she needs you most, that’s when you prove that you’re around not just for the good times but for all times. You don’t run after the most accessible skirt around the moment you hit a rough patch. And even if you wanted to, at least show her a little respect and have the decency to end it first before you do so. (Oh, and yeah, it works both ways)

I have often debated this scenario to myself. What happens if while in a relationship, you meet someone else whom you unintentionally develop feelings for (yes, I do believe it is possible). Logic tells me that the right thing to do would be:

  1. To NOT encourage/cultivate the other ‘friendship’
  2. and while doing 1, try you best to figure out if you really do love your partner, if you want to make it work and if you do want to keep the relationship. (And by this I do not mean comparing the two even though that would be the instinctual response)

Easier said than done?

I suspect so, and I hope I never have to find out.

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