Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Other

I know.

I haven’t written in a while. This is fast becoming the norm. Increasingly, it seems that the only reason I even write is to either assuage some kind of misplaced guilt or because I had nothing else to do. This was never my original intention.

And here I sit actually seriously considering starting another blog. Completely anonymous, not semi, like this one is. No editing. No mulling over grammar and phrasing, over whether a sentence is catchy enough, whether there’s an attention grabbing heading and if the closing is suitably graceful. Just free ranting - a faithful regurgitation so to speak. In fact I already have a name for it. I found it apt.

Yes, I realize even writing about it here instead of quietly going about my business is evidence of my ego. Yes, I have considered if this ego of mine could handle complete anonymity and the almost absolute certainty that no one would ever stumble across it or even care to stay. But this is the way I figure it will work: This space is for attention, and the other will be an outlet for the dissonance that would otherwise clutter, muddle and weigh down. It doesn’t mean whatever’s written here is put on, just that it is for the palatable and (marginally) less self-indulgent material, otherwise called my ‘good’ side. Admittedly, every once in a while this space is also used as a means to reach a select audience. I just hope I can keep the dividing line clear.

(and yes, bad as it is, this piece was actually edited!)

“..and by this we shall know that she has reached bottom and what more, is scraping away at her empty barrel.”

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