Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Googlism Rules!!

My favourite results (own comments in brackets) are:

On Personal Attributes:
______ is the coolest girl in the world (oh stop, I’m blushing..)
______ is pretty cool (ya don’t say..)
______ is a very kind and sweet feline (this is revenge, I swear I hate all manner of felines!)
______ is hilarious sometimes (oh how she wishes....hey! whadja mean sometimes??!!)
______ is stupid (Hoi!)

On Physical Attributes:
______ is 5'9" tall and makes clothing look good (*chokes with emotion at instantly gained model-like height)
______ is perky perky perky and that's that (*coughs modestly*)
______ is one hell of a fezz ass grabber (I don’t now what it means, but it sure sounds good to me!!)

On her calling in life:
______ is set to been seen on CNN (Woo Hoo! Gonna be famous!)
______ is hostess to a theme tea party (Yes, in my spare time off doing charity work. You can call me “Datin”)
______ is collecting colonies that she grew in a liter flask and then inserted into a Petri (Aik! Almost hit the nail on the head-lah…)
______ is shown here making bead strap purse handles and chokers (What with charity work and themed tea parties, where do I even have the time?)

On Self-Improvement:
______ is ready to learn the songs of weaving (konon-nya nak show off lah next time I go karaoke)

And she is currently:
______ is dressed for a summer wedding (well of course, what else would she be wearing?)

And all the above proves that:
______ is a self-glorifying narcissist. (my own addition)

PS: I suspect in the future I shall cringe in embarrassment about this post but in the meantime, go to: http://www.googlism.com/ and type in your name. Y’all have fun now!


Khalid Raffali said...

hehe solution is simple aje jackie.. as nike said in its ads la kan..

just do it..

hehe think about the consequences later. hehe

NQ said...

hey acat!

apalah...jawab comment i dekat blog u aje lah...;-)
I will if u will. eh wait, i'm not sure yet..
The problem with me has always been i've got too much "face", selalu jaga maruah.

haih..so i'm trying to give up giving advice that i myself can never follow.

Khalid Raffali said...

hehe i have a collection of advices that i can give. hehe whether i myself can ikut is another story la. hehe. saja aja nak comment kat sini. hehe kalau u ada ym tadi i dah buzz dah. hehehe.

Anonymous said...

(*chokes with emotion at instantly gained model-like height)

Hahaha. Priceless!