Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Is Centrepoint the place to be?

Surprisingly, it’s turned out to be quite the people-watching place.

Here’s a checklist of the things I’ve seen so far from my little corner of the cafe:

  1. Young professionals’ after work in their spiffy suits and lugging laptops
  2. Young adults dressed casually (don’t these people have to work?)
  3. Kids everywhere! (Is there a Gymboree or something around here?)
  4. A Pomeranian with its lady owner trailing behind on a leash (heh, shouldn’t it be the other way round?)
  5. A monitor lizard in a portable aquarium (sans water) carefully cradled by it’s young mistress

And imagine, all this in the space of less than half an hour since I arrived.

Still unconvinced? Well then, sitting right across from me are 3 lovely TV3 newscasters having a leisurely chat over their evening cuppa’s.

Now if only I didn’t find this old building rather depressing, I’d hang out here more often.

Oh! Look at the time, gotta run, got a class to catch!




5 minutes into class: (Damnit! Why must it be freezing on the day I wear a skirt?!)

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