Friday, June 09, 2006

Ambling along, rambling on.

8.30AM, at my cubicle and the coffee hasn’t kicked in yet. Ugh. (Which explains why I’m writing here about nothing in particular.)

Woke up this morning feeling oddly grateful to be waking up in my own bed. As usual the first thought was a wish that I could sleep the day away and the second was a quick mental calculation of the number of hours before I could crawl back in under the covers again. Heh, talk about being motivated.

These days I feel odder and odder and odder, more and more out of place sometimes. For instance, yesterday, it occurred to me that I’m quite the geek, lacking in the social graces that makes other people appear ‘normal’. This after my trainer made a wisecrack at my expense and my fellow students took to teasing me after. Being the only female student also makes me stand out just that little bit more, so hooray for me. Hmph. Maybe I should attempt to control my expressions and stop frowning all the time. Unfortunately this comes naturally to me and I’m rarely aware of how I odd appear until someone stares or makes a comment.

Weekend’s almost here, yippee! However this weekend marks the start of my effectively becoming a football widow for a month. Hopefully I’ll have enough things to keep me amused ;)

1 comment:

caffeinated said...

what a spectacular read your blog is!
write more. :)