Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Writing on the Wall

There are stories in unexpected places.

And in this case: my bedroom wall.

In started during a recent (infrequent) spring cleaning, I found a paragraph written in ink by an ex-tenant on my wall. It began:

“ I hate you.
You cheated me. I love you soo much but you did this to me…..”

It goes on to ramble incoherently (generously peppered with a multitude of exclamation marks) why the author hates/loves/will-never-forgive, her paramour.

After some background investigation (read: nosy poking around) the whole sordid story was uncovered. Said authoress was a small town lady in her mid 30’s separated from an impotent, abusive husband (I am NOT making this up!). After 3 lonely years moving to big bad KL, she found true love in a married man with 3 children. The outpouring of anguish on the walls was during a particularly trying time when his wife found out about the affair. Why this translates to him cheating on her is beyond me. But it’s not for me to judge.

Anyway the story has a happy ending of sorts. She becomes his 2nd wife and they now have 1 child together.

As entertained as I was by her colourful life story, I do wish she’d have expressed her feelings a little less permanently… with a pencil maybe...or a blog.

Now excuse me while I figure out how to remove it…


Dalynne said...

Wow..taht's really really wondering who used to stay in my room now. least, it'a a happy ending huh?

NQ said...

Well...sort of a happy ending if you think being a 2nd wife is "happy" ;-)

Dalynne said...

Not for me indefinitely, but at least she didn't contempt any more suicides..guess she prefers it that way..
