Friday, October 07, 2005

AA: The Joys of Alcohol and Altitude

You know something’s not right up there when you suddenly have to go up to Genting at midnight, on a weekday, in your Japanese slippers and ratty clothes (hey! It was a spur of the moment thing ok?) just to shiver while drowning a bucket of beer through chattering teeth. Heh.

I have nothing to say for myself by way of logical excuse except that somehow the road just lead there and um, alcohol is a force greater than myself?

You know what the funny thing is? There were a lot of other jokers who were doing the exact same thing, there was actually traffic going up and on the way down. Who are these people and don’t they ever sleep or need to go to work the next day or something? I tell you, youngsters these days..

Oh, did I forget to add that I had a hell of a time? There’s just something about those roads winding through the mountains, soo pitch black that you have to turn on your high beam just to manoeuvre. Then there’s the icy early morning wind blowing in from your rolled down windows and the magnificent sight of millions of tiny twinkling fairy lights down in the sleeping valley. *Sigh*

Must try not to get too fond of these impromptu jaunts though, have you seen the prices at Genting lately?! Are they trying to make us pay for the natural air-conditioning or what?

And now excuse me while I try to sneak a snooze at my desk, crawling in at 4am is too much for this aging spring chicken.


mae said...

i want to do that too!

-alcohol deprived being

NQ said...

heh. c'mon over, apparently The Driver is willing to go for more joyrides, I just need to say when ;)

Dalynne said...
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Dalynne said...

One of the things that I missed doing for a long time!!! Wish I can just drive or being driven to somewhere implusively in the middle of the night.
Those were days when we can just drive to Bukit Gasing or 'Small Genting' to tangkap basah, or out of the town just to catch the glimpse of meteor shower..Arghhh.. How nice if I can re-live the moments huh?


NQ said...


And what a pity we never seem to be in the same city at the same time..

mae said...

chey.. i thought u went alone.

so who's the driver?? -wink-

NQ said...


Unfortunately it's not what you think, i just have really accommodating friends ;)