Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Maybe we should stop trying to figure out life.

Maybe what we need is to find escape from the mental and physical paralysis that comes from over analyzing, from the constant need to pick apart every little insignificant detail in an ultimately futile attempt to elicit meaning from the utter randomness that is life.

Maybe all we need to survive is gut feel and a quick prayer that we don’t get into to much shit.

Maybe what we need is to close our eyes, draw a deep breath and Take.That.Leap.


Anonymous said...

I still think life's meaningless.

Think about it, going through the motions of life - emotions, events, loving, dying, doing the social thing, having families, earning money - billions of people do the same thing. It's called living.

But why? What is there left to apply meaning to once you've done all the above?

There is nothing, not that seems apparent, therefore fuck-it-all and enjoy the ride. ;)

NQ said... persist in bugging me ;)

Firstly this post wasn't questioning the meaning of life. It was, and I repeat myself, a lament on inaction caused by thinking too much, when perhaps we should, to quote Nike, just do it.