Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Love Thy Neighbour

Can someone please kill my neighbours?

(No, no, this is not yet another Malaysian rant against Singapore. Sorry to disappoint.)

And just to get the logistics right for those who want to heed this distress call, plus seeing as murder ain’t no child’s play, they live directly opposite me and are LOUD. Tonight more so than others. They’ve been having some big ass party and as if it isn’t enough to block off the entire street, they and their guests have conveniently opened tables and parked their backsides in front of their neighbours gates effectively blocking off our exit routes. Damn them all to hell!

And the howling, good God the howling. And squealing, and screeching. Yup folks, that’s right, they have that perennial Malaysian weapon of mass torture: karaoke. And my do they wield it with abandon. I’ve had to seek refuge by plugging in my earphones and blasting classical music. And yet, and yet, in the background, I can still hear their sweet voices.

Could I plead just cause if I went over there and wrung their necks? Something’s got to be done, they’re effectively keeping us prisoners at their pleasure while we writhe in agony. Huh? Huh? Could I? Could I?

And besides it’s just not neighbourly to have a party and NOT invite your neighbours.

That’s right, all that alcohol and I’m not invited. I demand justice!

Update: It’s past midnight and they’ve subsided without blood on my hands. Thank God for small mercies. I’m going to sleep.

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